Cancer and Hope

A Personal Journey

A diagnosis of cancer may feel like waking up on a dangerous, inhospitable island and discovering that you are completely alone.  Alone, that is, except for the very hungry predators that peruse you.  Whether the diagnosis is yours or someone you love, the questions, anxiety and struggle may become overwhelming.

To me, cancer is a very insidious disease.  It often grows quietly in the background spreading its damage.  It is only when symptoms finally emerge, sometimes very baffling symptoms, that we become aware of a very unwelcome revelation.  Cancer. Continue reading “Cancer and Hope”

A Movie, Recently Added on NETFLIX, Illuminates Some of the Challenges of Autoimmune Diseases

Brain On Fire | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix

Video below from Netflix

The movie, Brain On Fire is based Susannah Cahalan‘s book, Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness.  For anyone who is not familiar with the challenges of diagnosing some autoimmune diseases, I urge you to watch this movie.

What is Wrong With Me?

I was introduced to autoimmune disease several years ago, after receiving a positive diagnosis Continue reading “A Movie, Recently Added on NETFLIX, Illuminates Some of the Challenges of Autoimmune Diseases”

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